5 Incredible Celebrity Engagement Rings.
Most women have at least imagined what it will be like when their significant other pops the question. Everything from the flowers you want to the white dress you wear will be perfectly laid out in your mind. The engagement ring is particularly important.
Nowadays, more and more women are picking out their own engagement rings. At the very least, a girl will go to the store with her fiancé-to-be to get ideas for the ring she’ll wear for the rest of her life.
If you’re one of the lucky brides who gets a say, have some ideas ahead of time. Why not get your inspiration from celebrities who have gone before? Not only that but you can get your ideas from the rich and famous. It doesn’t hurt to dream, right? Here are five celebrity engagement rings you’ll absolutely love:

photo: facebook.com/IamCardiB
1. Cardi B.
Unique, halo-style diamond engagement rings seem to be all the rage these days. It’s characterized by a large diamond surrounded by a ring of smaller diamonds. Oftentimes, the diamonds are set into a different color of metal to add contrast.
Cardi B.’s ring is one such gem. Costing nearly half a million dollars, her eight-carat, tear-shaped diamond symbolized a loving and blissful marriage in 2017 for Cardi and her husband, rapper Offset.
Cardi B. shared with Popsugar that the cost of the engagement ring, although exorbitant, meant a lot to her. “It makes me feel good. Even when we’re in an argument, I’m like, does he really love me? He got me a half-million-dollar ring, yeah he does,” she said.

PEAR CUT SPIRAL ENGAGEMENT RING WITH HALO; photo: sylviecollection.com
2. Ariana Grande
In June of 2018, Pete Davidson pulled out a giant, three-carat, pear-shaped diamond ring and presented it to rapidly rising star Ariana Grande. It was made specifically for her slender finger by famous jeweler Greg Yuna. This incredible rock certainly makes a statement, but don’t get your hopes up—it cost Davidson almost $100,000.
Unfortunately, Ariana called off her wedding to Davidson shortly after the proposal, but fans are still hopeful the two will reunite.
3. Paris Hilton
One of the most expensive engagement rings to date, Paris Hilton’s swanky diamond cost her former fiancé Chris Zylka more than $2 million dollars. Another tear-drop, halo-style setting very similar to Cardi B.’s, the diamond is a whopping 20 carrots, making it visible in nearly all of her photos. It was specifically made for her by jeweler Michael Greene for her proposal in January 2018.
This ring is absolutely gorgeous, and worth considering. However, for Hilton, it wasn’t meant to be. She recently called off her engagement, but still finds hope in the happy marriage of her own parents.
4. Meghan Markle
2018 marked yet another year where women (and even men) everywhere had princess fever. When American actress Meghan Markle wed Prince Harry this summer, more than one tear was shed, and the diamonds used to seal the deal were noteworthy, particularly if you’re into more traditional styles.
Her ring is a three-stone setting with a large, 3-carat diamond in the center flanked by two smaller diamonds (half a carat each) on either side. Prince Harry designed it himself for his proposal in May of this year.
But the design is more than just beautiful. It holds nostalgic meaning for the prince. In an interview with BBC, he shared:
“The ring is obviously yellow gold because that’s [Markle’s] favorite and the main stone itself I sourced from Botswana and the little diamonds either side are from my mother’s jewelry collection, to make sure that she’s with us on this crazy journey together.”

photo: facebook.com/priyankachopra
5. Priyanka Chopra
When Nick Jonas proposed to Bollywood-turned-Hollywood star Priyanka Chopra, he pulled out all the stops. He paid to shut down an entire Tiffany’s store to purchase her ring after just two months of dating.
The ring is one-of-a kind with a square-shaped diamond and detailed filigree and inset diamonds running up the side of the setting and the ring itself. Chopra said that she couldn’t have asked for a more perfect or more romantic ring.
“I think we had a conversation about it when we were dating and I’ve always known it had to be Tiffany,” she told People. “Since I was a little girl, it was just something that was stuck in my head and I may have said that, and I guess he remembered.”
Every beautiful engagement ring has its own story and beauty, and while you want something original, it never hurts to get ideas from the greats!