The International Perfume Foundation launches IPF Certified Natural Perfumery Directory

Where do I find Natural Perfumers? Who are they? Where are they? How can I recognize if they are authentic? Are the flowers I see in perfume advertisements, really in my perfume?


A Movement is Born! The International Perfume Foundation launches IPF Certified Natural Perfumery Directory

At the completion of a 32 day Campaign to “Reconnect with Nature” the International Perfume Foundation (IPF) is pleased to introduce the Certified Natural Perfumers Directory. The Directory is the first step in responding to a growing number of questions consumers have been asking about the contents of perfumes and the importance of natural products in their lives.

“This new movement has been a campaign of awareness as well as an enlightening market report on the state of Natural Perfume worldwide,” explained Creezy Courtoy, Founder and Chairman of IPF. “As the Directory expands with new natural perfumers, it will be a journey of discovery for both consumers and perfumers alike along Les Routes du Parfum.”

Certified Natural Perfumers Directory

The pictures and text of the 32 day campaign RECONNECT WITH NATURE are downloadable on:

About The International Perfume Foundation:

Created in 1995, The International Perfume Foundation was founded in Brussels by Creezy Courtoy, French former fashion model, expert in perfume, historian and anthropologist. To stay healthy today humans need to reconnect with nature, and this is what the International Perfume Foundation is putting in place with all its projects and actions from Natural Perfumery Certification, to the World Heritage Program, to replanting, to preserving original seeds, to children’s education programs creating the adults of tomorrow and to important DNA Research.

The International Perfume Foundation is a Belgian non profit organization (ASBL) with representation worldwide.

