Alpaca wool – the star of the Peru Fashion Night


Alpaca wool is known as the “Real Treasure of the Incas” or “Gold of the Andes” because when the Spanish conquistadors reached Cusco, the capital of their empire, they took the gold and silver but ignored what many say was the largest Inca treasure, the colorful and luxurious looms of this camelid fiber, which is considered today as one of the finest in the world.

And this product can now be appreciated at Peru Fashion Night in WashingtoN DC, to be held in the U.S. capital next November 20th at the Grand Hyatt Hotel and will bring together fashion designers, as well as small and medium alpaca wool producers who will come to the United States directly from Cusco, one of the regions of Peru that has the largest production of this natural fiber.

Besides being resistant, fiber or alpaca wool is very soft and warm, water resistant, and hypoallergenic (since it contains no lanolin),
which adds value for infants and those allergic to wool. Alpaca wool retains its new appearance for a long time and doesn’t give a smell like
sheep wool. It is seven times warmer and four times stronger than sheep’s wool and the feel is similar to cashmere. The alpaca is the only
animal that offers a range of natural colors so wide. Alpaca wool can vary in 24 colors, now recognized by the textile industry, among them white, beige, red, brown, gray and black.