Gucci announced that actress Blake Lively will be the face of Gucci Premiere, the House’s next female fragrance, for which Nicolas Winding Refn has directed a short film. Blake Lively joins Evan Rachel Wood, Chris Evans and James Franco in representing Gucci’s fragrances.
The print campaign for the new fragrance was shot by Mert & Marcus, and the commercial film was directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, awarded best director for the thriller Drive at the Cannes Film Festival 2011. The short film will be presented at a special event during the Venice Film Festival on September 1st, 2012.
“In conceiving this fragrance I was inspired by timeless Hollywood glamour and the iconic leading ladies of Hollywood’s golden era. Blake’s unique style and charisma brings that allure to life in a very contemporary way,” said Frida Giannini, Gucci Creative Director.
“It is a pleasure to collaborate with Frida Giannini. I admire the qualities of the Gucci Première woman and feel honored to represent the fragrance,” stated Blake Lively.