Business Owners: How to Better Manage Your Employees


Whether your business is large or small, you need to successfully manage your employees (unless you’re a one-man army). However, this is easier said than done. You have to establish relationships whilst also ensuring targets and standards are being met. Sometimes, this can leave employers feeling like villains and their employees resentful. Is there any way that business owners can create a work environment that is both pleasant and productive? We’re going to be answering this question within our article. So, read on and find out how to better manage your employees and create a more positive company culture.


1.) Communication

The golden rule for every type of relationship is effective communication. Misunderstandings can occur otherwise, which might lead to conflict or workplace mishaps. Therefore, it’s essential for business owners to develop their communication skills with employees. This usually involves learning how to be succinct when delivering information, diplomatic when navigating issues, and building rapport to create a positive relationship. All these things will make the staff feel safe and supported, leading them to have more honest and transparent conversations with you, too. Effective communication builds everyone’s respect for one another, mitigating conflict and helping you better manage your employees.

2.) Employee Benefits

Employee benefits are non-wage incentives for your staff alongside their regular salary. Some examples of this include pension plans, health insurance, childcare benefits, and paid time off work for holidays or sickness. Employee benefits can show your workforce that you value them. If they feel respected, they’ll treat you with respect, too. This mutuality will create a more positive company culture, reducing staff turnover and inspiring loyalty. What’s more, employee benefits act as reward schemes for your company. This helps business owners to reinforce the behaviours and outcomes they want to see such as lowered employee absenteeism, better punctuality and optimal productivity. Have a look at employee benefits management to see for yourself why these schemes are perfect for business owners who want to become better leaders to their staff.


3.) Expectations

You need to revaluate your management strategies if your workforce isn’t being as productive as you like. When the issue is on a large scale, you can surmise the issue is with leadership as opposed to the behaviour of individuals. To correct this problem, business owners should set specific expectations within their company. By expectations, we mean targets for employees to achieve. These targets need to be realistic and clearly outlined. If managers expect too much, their staff could become stressed or despondent; if managers expect too little, staff will be left twiddling their thumbs. Additionally, your workforce can’t achieve their optimal productivity without a clear purpose. Therefore, become a better manager by setting realistic expectations.

4.) Solicit Feedback

There’s a good reason why everyone is always emphasising the importance of giving constructive criticism – because it’s highly beneficial for relationships and productivity. If your employees never receive any feedback, they won’t realise they’re doing something wrong and will carry on along this track. It’s important to arrange sessions with each of your employees to give them constructive criticism. However, don’t forget that feedback also includes saying good things. This will reinforce positive behaviours. If your employees only hear what they’ve done wrong, they might become demoralised or resentful and insubordinate. Soliciting feedback also includes hearing how you’ve done as a manager. This doesn’t mean to belittle your authority but instead demonstrate you’re willing to listen to staff.

By following our advice, you’re bound to see a difference in the productivity and positivity of your workforce. Building strong relationships is the key to managing your employees more effectively.