Should I worry about cheap cashmere?
Just about every clothing supplier out there is offering deals on cashmere, including the cheap ones. Should I be concerned?
If you have an ethical dilemma, email Lucy at
Just about every clothing supplier out there is offering deals on cashmere, including the cheap ones. Should I be concerned?
If you have an ethical dilemma, email Lucy at
Biggest ever survey in 16 countries finds adverts for live tigers, orangutans and chimps – plus a ‘toilet-trained’ gorilla
Despite increases in marine parks and nature reserves, many threatened animals, including the northern hairy-nosed wombat, are still without protection
A sneak peek into the Gombe national park in Tanzania reveals thick forest, tall waterfalls and chimps in treetops feasting on flies
2014 Nature’s Best Photography Windland Smith Rice International Awards Exhibition. Art meets science through the lens of the camera and