The 2016 Jacques Rougerie Foundation International Competition is open
The 2016 Jacques Rougerie Foundation launches the International Competition in Architecture 2016. Imagine your future. Make your dreams real. Encourage, stimulate
The 2016 Jacques Rougerie Foundation launches the International Competition in Architecture 2016. Imagine your future. Make your dreams real. Encourage, stimulate
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The technology could reduce the fashion industry’s wasteful footprint, but materials must be improved if it’s to go mainstream
From clothing made from crab compounds to recycled blue jeans worked into your Ford Fusion, innovation in textile manufacture and design is getting weirder – and more sustainable
The burgeoning network of electric vehicle charge points across the UK means it’s easier than ever to justify a purchase, but ‘range anxiety’ and cost are still deterring consumers
The tailor-made Louis Vuitton luggage set for the BMW i8 made from carbon fibre. Inspired by the visionary design of