Global warming continues despite continuous denial
A new paper shows that the Earth’s climate has continued to warm rapidly in recent years
A new paper shows that the Earth’s climate has continued to warm rapidly in recent years
It used to be that only hurricanes and typhoons were entitled to them, but now barely a day’s forecast goes by without another catchy monicker being coined
A new study estimates surface temperature cooling from volcanoes at 0.05–0.12°C since 2000
Global livestock industry produces more greenhouse gas emissions than transport but fear of a consumer backlash is preventing action, says Chatham House report
UK’s chief scientist has said GM crops could provide plentiful food with less damage to the environment and at lower costs. But does that mean we should grow them? Karl Mathiesen investigates.
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But ‘geoengineers’ say urgent nature of climate change means research must continue into controversial technology to combat rising temperatures