The Most Expensive Hobbies

photo @Dutch Ice Sculpture Festival/

Today, most expensive ways to spend your time have more cost-efficient alternatives. For example, playing casino online games for real money you feel the same atmosphere as at a land-based gambling establishment. However, some luxurious hobbies cannot be replaced with anything else. And these are the most expensive ones.

Ice Sculptures

Even though people carving ice sculptures are most often surly men in earflaps, doing it as a hobby is expensive. Besides the fact that such a man will need to hire a teacher, the cost of ice, depending on size and quality, can run into thousands of dollars.

It will take years and money to master the art of sawing a dolphin, so this hobby is for very rich and very bored people who are not afraid of the cold.

photo @Raffles Seychelles


If you take this case seriously, this hobby will cost you tens of thousands of dollars a year. First, the equipment, and secondly, the maintenance of this equipment.

On the other hand, if you have a dream to learn and open a diving school somewhere, where the heat and all do not care about the price of oil, the investment in the hobby can be perceived as an investment in their happy future – and do not save.

photo @National Railway Museum in York /

Model Railroad

Do you remember when you were six, Santa Claus with daddy’s eyes and voice gave you your first train set because you were a good boy all year long and learned by heart a long poem? Some boys are so shaken by this childhood memory that they have not got out of it and now, as an adult, collecting trains, locomotives, cars, and even shrubs. Which can be planted along the tracks. Despite the general uncoolness and complete absence of practical sense, this hobby is incredibly expensive.

The average locomotive costs at least $300, and even collectible models are estimated at hundreds of thousands. It’s also necessary to buy a conductor’s hat.

photos @Nacho Figueras /


Basically this sport is practiced by those who think that in this way they become aristocrats. The cheapest horse costs from $20,000, plus a thousand and a half a month for care, plus contingencies if the horse needs a vet.

Add to that a polo players club membership (from $8,000 a year), well, and of course, the salary of an instructor who will teach you this cute summer game in our snows.

photo @Pasha Hot Air Balloons/


If Jules Verne has made an indelible impression on you and you have at least $50,000, then nothing prevents you from becoming the owner of his own balloon and its own instructor, who will teach you how to use them (from $3500 per month – full cycle of training lasts about a year). But then you can travel around the world and participate in races and festivals, along with the same special people like yourself.

By the way, keep in mind that by law you are also required to hire a rescue team, which will follow your balloon on the car.

photo @F1 Instagram /

Formula 1

It turns out, you don’t have to be a talented racer at all to drive a car – you just have to be rich. Your own will cost you a million dollars plus maintenance, but you can get away with less and rent a car. 15 minutes costs $500, plus an instructor and mandatory accident insurance plus a rental of the race track. But everyone will be jealous of you.;

@Raffles Seychelles