Inspired by the extensive work of Dr. Thierry Hanh* on the infinite nutritional richness of vegetables and fruits, Nicolas Cloiseau, Master Chef of La Maison du Chocolat, focused on liberating chocolate from animal fats and proteins. Nine months of trials to achieve just the desired texture of the chocolate, just as long to perfect the flavors.
Nicolas Cloiseau’s new “Bien Être” Collection breaks away from academic practices. Not losing sight of his convictions, the celebrated master chocolatier imagines chocolate differently. He lays ganache bare to expand its possibilities and take on the challenges imposed by its natural state. Au revoir cream and butter. His chocolate invites you to experience a new reality. The magic of his new ganache is that the taste is the same, the couvertures are perfectly balanced and the silky texture is still as delightful.
La Maison du Chocolat’s secret? Simply purées, fruit juices and nectars to give life to these very silky chocolates. Honey and maple syrup as natural sweeteners, hazelnut oil for creaminess and natural chicory fiber for substance. Using ingredients with dense nutritional values, Cloiseau boosts the antioxidants, polyphenolic compounds and vitamins in chocolate. Mango, turmeric, aloe vera, propolis, squash seeds, and pomegranate are the key players in this collection, which boasts a minimum of 45% fruits, sometimes up to 74%. The intensity of the chocolate is expressed more freely, unfettered from cream and butter, which impact the flavor; it has a more pristine expression to showcase the lovely finishes on the palate.
The result? Bien Être Chocolate. 100% natural, 100% vegetal, 100% awesome. As delicious as ever.
Although an authentic revolution in chocolate has occurred, the sensations are unchanged, the good taste is intact, and the silky texture is the same… This new “Bien Être” Collection of fruit ganache is born from a bold idea. The collection includes variations with mango turmeric, pomegranate, peach propolis, green apple aloe vera, and Squash seeds.
Mango Turmeric
Blended with a sweet mango purée, the turmeric subtly unveils a long, powdery chocolate finish on the palate.
Subtle explosion of pomegranate in this dark ganache tempered by a delicate fruit gelée with raspberry and chokeberry juice. With their fruity and acidulous notes, the red fruits transform the astringency of the pomegranate into an invigorating, explosive cocktail.
Peach Propolis
With its fruity and acidulous tones, the peach serves up round, flavorful accents drizzled with propolis. A sweet chocolate inviting a moment of total serenity.
Green apple Aloe Vera
The focus on vegetal qualities invites us to discover the fresh flavor of aloe vera, brightened by fruity green apple with particularly dynamic crisp sensations.
Praliné Squash seeds
Under a dark chocolate couverture, discover lovely roasted squash seeds, nestled in the heart of an almond and squash seed praliné. 74% fruit, this luscious praliné introduces a new very gourmand genre, with a high content of magnesium.