A perfect no-vibration no-noise storage environment for red wine.
You certainly know that red wine is very picky about its storage environment; subtle vibrations or temperature changes can affect the taste. The world’s top-level red wine aficionados said most wine cabinets vibrate excessively when operating, compromising the quality of the red wine stored within. Red wine enthusiasts have advocated on Twitter, Facebook and other social media channels for non-vibrating no-noise wine cabinets.To protect fine wines, Chinese consumer electronics company Haier created a new silent and motionless wine fridge.
Haier’s no-compressor wine cabinets presented at this year’s CES 2015 have overturned the traditional design concept that has been the basis of compressor refrigerating technology since the emergence of electrical refrigerating appliances.
Demand for storage space akin to red wine cellars has found first-rate resources on Haier’s open interactive platform. As a case in point, a Silicon Valley partner communicated with end-users on Haier’s interactive platform and offered them a solution using CO2 and H2O as a refrigerant to replace traditional compressors. A field test confirmed there is no vibration at all when the cabinet is running.
The wine cabinet has not a single moving part, delivering a perfect no-vibration no-noise storage environment for red wine and satisfying demand for a “wine-cellar experience.”
At CES2015, Haier exhibited the world’s first magnetic-refrigerating wine cabinet, an energy-saving, environmentally–friendly and quiet storage device. It can drop the temperature by as much as 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit) in a short time. With its small size and innovative refrigerating method, “the smallest cabinet of all time” Wine-Cool has attracted much attention from show visitors. The Wine-Cool is small enough for red wine lovers to take their favorite libation with them even on the move.
The Haier executive manning the booth at the show explained that the “no compressor” design concept will be applied to other refrigerating appliances, signaling that the day is near when noisy household appliances will become a thing of the past.