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Tagged: apps Article Blogposts British Street Food British Street Food app calorie counter apps charity app Communication Corporate Social Responsibility endangered species app Ethical business ethical rating Ethics Food food app market food apps food waste app Foodsharing Friends of the Earth German Foodsharing app Good Fish Guide Good Fish Guide app Green Egg Shopper Green Egg Shopper app Guardian sustainable business high-sustainability high-sustainability credentials Love Food Hate Waste Noshplanet Noshplanet app organic vegetable retailer reduce food wastage reducing food waste reducing overbuying restaurant guide Riverford Organic Riverford Organic Veg Riverford Organic Veg app Seasons Seasons app Smartphones Social Media sustainability sustainable sustainable app sustainable apps Sustainable food sustainable food apps sustainable seafood Technology The Ethical Company Organisation Ethical Shopping App the Seasons app Top 10 weight-watching app Wise up on Waste Wise up on Waste app